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Author & Submission Guidelines - Mainstream Weekly

Thursday 1 October 2020


We welcome unsolicited submissions in English language, representing a wide range of opinions, viewpoints from scholars, journalists, concerned citizens, and professionals from different fields.

DO NOT make simultaneous submissions to Mainstream along with a number of other publications.

Kindly make the submission provided it has not been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. We will not take any phone calls pressuring us to use the articles. Acceptance for publication is the sole discretion of the editors.

Articles should be submitted via email as e-mail attachments in any open-source word processor or an MS Word document. do not send PDF attachments

Please remember to use the subject line in your Emails and mention [Submission] along with a short title of the article.

The author’s name and date of submission should be mentioned in the file name e.g.: ’big data big teeth (Birdie NumNum -20April2020).doc’

The author’s full name and bio information must be included in the text of the article.

If the author is sending us a revised version it MUST SAY revised version and also provide a date in the document file name e.g.: ’blabla (Birdie NumNum)[revised-5April2020].doc’

Please substantiate and qualify your claims with supporting references to credible news or academic sources, where needed

We encourage submissions to carry a short abstract where required

Please avoid using UPPERCASE in titles or headings or anywhere. Use sentence case

If there are specific terms in vernacular or local languages from South Asia or even major international languages (Urdu, Hindi, Tamil, Bangla, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, Malayalam, Nepali, Sinhala, etc or from German, Russian, Spanish, etc) they must be translated into English and carried in a bracket () next to the original terms or else a glossary may b provided at the end of the article.

PLEASE DO NOT USE auto-linked subscript or anchored footnotes in the text. Please ONLY use plain numbers and text inside square brackets. i.e. [1]

all inline notes should be numbered and in double square brackets. [1]

Please do not use any HTML coding such as < >

numbering style should be 1, 2, 3 and Not i, ii, iii

full citations (full title and name of the author, date of publication) must be provided for published sources used, not just a URL.

All dates & months must be spelled out, i.e. April 10, 2021, never use “last Thursday,†“this week,†“tomorrow†etc.

We expect submissions to be in a ready-to-use form and not requiring heavy re-editing and re-writing. Authors must run a grammar and spell check before sending us their articles.

The authors must include a short one-sentence bio or professional self-description and also contain professional affiliation and contact details. We may not publish full address details of the authors.

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Authors are responsible for submitted content including the text, illustrations, photos, and opinions. The authors must verify the accuracy of the news or events; the information provided must be complete, and reliable.

Under no circumstances, we will be liable in any way for any content that is threatening, defamatory, offensive, infringes on other’s rights including intellectual property rights, or views that are abusive, invade another’s privacy, or are hateful, casteist, sexist or racist, or otherwise objectionable. Kindly read our Ethics Policy

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Mainstream permits authors’ republication of their articles that have appeared previously in Mainstream to be reproduced elsewhere. But, the republished article must mention that the article first appeared in Mainstream. It must also include the full publication details along with the URL of the original article.

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There are no publication fees, charges for author submissions or publication.

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