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Mainstream, VOL LX No 23, New Delhi, May 28, 2022
Statement from Committee For the Defense of G N Saibaba - May 26, 2022
Friday 27 May 2022
26 May 2022
Immediately resolve the hunger strike Demands of Dr. G.N. Saibaba and save his life in the jail
Dr. G.N. Saibaba, a 90% physically disabled person languishing in Nagpur central Jail started a hunger strike for the second time from Saturday 21st May 2022 seeking immediate resolution of his demands. Dr. G.N. Saibaba, also sat on hunger strike one and half years ago during lockdown in the jail demanding the immediate handover of medicines supplied by his family members and advocates, supply of books, letters etc. Some of these demands had been accepted.
On 10th May 2022, the jail authorities installed a CCTV camera in front of his Anda Cell without providing any valid reason. This 24-hour camera surveillance is a clear violation of his fundamental right to privacy, life, liberty, and bodily integrity. The installed CCTV camera records everything 24X7 including use of toilet, bathing, and all his bodily activities. This is against the basic human rights. The rights, even of a convicted person should be upheld.
To protest the installation of CCTV camera, Dr. G.N. Saibaba has decided to go on a hunger strike indefinitely till death from Saturday 21st May 2022 with the following demands:
- Removal of CCTV camera’s focus on his Anda Cell that keeps his privacy, dignity and body integrity at risk. A few days back, in this regard, his family members (wife and brother) submitted a letter to the Home Minister of Maharashtra.
- Grant of parole and enable him to get proper medical treatment for all his health issues. His family members submitted applications several times to release him on parole.
- Immediately shift him out of Anda Cell as he is unable to withstand heat/cold waves and unable to move on his wheelchair as the cell is very small and compact.
- Prison Transfer: He and his family members submitted letters to Jail Authorities and Maharashtra Home minister to transfer him from Nagpur Central Prison to Cherlapally Central Prison, Hyderabad.
- Implementation of all other demands of his earlier hunger strike that were not so far not addressed.
Advocate Aakash Sorde informed us that Saibaba is on a hunger strike from Saturday (21 May 2022). His health is in a dire condition. - From 21st May to 24th May 2022, i.e., 4 days of Hunger strike, the authorities accepted to change the direction of the CCTV camera.
- To resolve the demands in the purview of Additional Director General of Prisons, Dr. G.N. Saibaba has to write a letter and Jail authorities forward it to ADG.
- Dr. G.N. Saibaba should write another letter to the Home Minister of Maharashtra to resolve his demands in the purview of home ministry. The Jail authorities forward it to home minister’s office.
- Jail authorities are now ready to give him a water bottle which was previously refused.
- All other demands will be accepted one by one indue course of time.
Due to four days hunger strike Dr. G.N. Saibaba suffered serious health problems.
From third day of hunger strike blood motions were started and continuing to date. The blood is spilling all over the bed and helpers are changing and cleaning the bedsheets. The skin of Dr. G.N. Saibaba has become loosen and coming out of the muscles.
Today i.e. on 25th May 2022 evening Dr. G.N. Saibaba will be admitted into the prison hospital. The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and the Superintendent accepted to extend medical treatment.
The Defence committee appeal the ADG, Jail Authorities and Home Minster of Maharashtra to act immediately to resolve all the demands of Dr. G. N. Saibaba including relocating the CCTV camera and save his life. The Defence committee appeals to provide necessary medical treatment by immediately shifting him to an appropriate hospital that is having all necessary facilities.
Prof. G. Haragopal