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Mainstream, VOL 61 No 27 , July 1, 2023

Attack on Bhim Army leader Chandrashekhar - Press Note, CPIML New Democracy 30 June 2023

Saturday 1 July 2023


Central Committee, CPIML New Democracy
Press Note 30 June 2023

Central Committee of CPIML ND has condemned the firing on Bhim Army, Chandrashekhar Ravana by armed goondas on 28th June in Saharanpur.

State machinery is overtly protecting gangs who are aligned to the RSS and serve it’s political rule. Yogi govt should either get these criminals arrested or resign.

Attacks on dalits by criminal landlord elements and gangs in UP are on the rise in recent past. Attack on Chandrashekhar is part of this state terror tactics of Yogi led RSS and BJP.

On 19th June such upper caste landlord gangs accompanied by police and lower officials forcefully tried to occupy dalit peasant patta land in village Bhamokhar in Karchana tehsil of Prayagraj. When the dalits resisted this gang of criminals and police have connived to implicate the dalit family and others in a fabricated case to pressurize and terrorise them.

CPIML ND strongly condemns this attack on dalits. It calls upon all democratic forces to join hands in raising their voice against these attacks.

General Secretary.
CPIML New Democracy

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