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Mainstream, VOL LVIII No 29, New Delhi, July 4, 2020
Helmswoman | AK Das
Saturday 4 July 2020
#socialtagsThe sea is deep and rough;dark clouds hover overhead;it is wee hour in the dawn:time to set sail for fishing.She comes to the beach,readies the small, old boat,mends the fishing net,then starts the daily voyagealong with her husband.They steady the coursewith full steam ahead,spreading the net,but often the wait isfor hours of patience.When the mission is complete,the couple brings the haulto the auction centre;a round of bargaining –then the catch is sold.After trudging back home,she looks after the daily chore.When the sun sets,they retire for the night,clutching at hard-earned rest.At daybreak the same routine!She reaches the beach, butfinds the sea calm, placid,small waves breaking on the shore,gentle breeze blowing across.She feels a momentary releasefrom the net of fish-catchinto a vast expanse liberating her.
— A.K. Das