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Mainstream, Vol 63 No 9, March 1, 2025

Argentine court decision a positive step towards justice for the Rohingya - Statement by Defend Myanmar Democracy

Saturday 1 March 2025


Defend Myanmar Democracy

26 February 2025

Argentine court decision to issue arrest warrants for genocide suspects is a positive step towards justice for the Rohingya

On February 13, a federal criminal court in Argentina under universal jurisdiction ordered arrest warrants for 25 individuals for their alleged roles in genocide and crimes against humanity committed against the Rohingya, including 23 senior military officials and two civilian government leaders.

Defend Myanmar Democracy welcomes this decision and looks forward to the case proceeding towards justice for the Rohingya victims.

The arrest warrants aim to bring the suspects before the court, which is part of the investigative stage of the legal process. The individuals may then be prosecuted.

All suspected individuals, including civilian leaders, have a responsibility to appear before the court, and we are confident that the legal system in Argentina will provide a fair process, including the opportunity to present their defense.

We urge Argentina to now request Interpol to issue Red Notices for the 25 individuals.

We are working towards a federal democratic future for Myanmar and the rule of law is a fundamental pillar of democracy. We believe that justice must be impartial and never compromised.y.

Defend Myanmar Democracy is a civil society campaign defending Myanmar people’s right to democratic representation in all international forums.

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