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Home > 2024 > Letter to the Readers, Mainstream, Sept 28, 2024

Mainstream, Vol 62 No 40, October 5, 2024

Letter to the Readers, Mainstream, Sept 28, 2024

Saturday 28 September 2024


Letter to the Readers, Mainstream

Politicians and activists from opposing political camps share ‘socially divisive’ ideas in India fractured by identity politics. In different parts of the country ruled by different political formations (belonging to the right, the left & social democrats) we have seen live-in relationships, the right to inter-religious or inter-caste marriages being called into question by a socially conservative society divided by religion, caste or tribal identity despite the constitutional guarantees to do so in a secular republic. We have just seen a senior minister from the Congress party ruled Himachal Pradesh state mimic a controversial political move [1] implemented in July 2024 in BJP ruled Uttar Pradesh State —in wake of the North Indian Hindu pilgrimage ‘Kanwar Yatra’, the reactionary Yogi Adityanath government instructed the police to ensure that all roadside eateries clearly display large name-plates of the owners & workers at these establishments supposedly in the name of hygiene but in reality with the ulterior motive to encourage social difference making and segregation, so that believing Hindus avoid eating food cooked or served by people from another religion. The Supreme Court of India rightly ruled this as anti-constitutional saying saying food laws require that menus be displayed not the religious or ethnic identities of owners or workers. Political parties claiming to be socially progressive must openly take strict action against their prominent members who are in breach of constitutional ethos and should actively promote social mixing to build a secular culture.

September 28, 2024 —HK

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