Home > 2024 > Divine Status of Modi | J P Gadkari
Mainstream, VOL 62 No 21, May 25, 2024
Divine Status of Modi | J P Gadkari
Saturday 25 May 2024, by
#socialtagsMay 24, 2024
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has, at last, decided to confer on himself a ’DIVINE’ status and publicly announce it by saying: "I believe that I have been blessed by some divine power, which has made me a medium for public welfare. Over the years, my belief has strengthened that God has chosen me to fulfil a special responsibility" he added.
Mr Modi said this in an interview to News18, a Hindi edition of the Network18 [1], [2].
In India, we have many examples of such people claiming to have divine powers but ultimately have been proven as fake fortune tellers. Of course, nobody can deny the right of an individual to confer upon himself or herself whatever status he or she chooses. But it is ultimately the people who decide what status is to be chosen for a person and that too a person who holds the highest office in the country and is responsible for the wellbeing of millions of its people.
The blind followers of Modi have always given him the status of such a Godman and given him the credit of having brought "real Independence" to the country only in 2014. This DIVINE personality, however, never thought of chastising these blind followers telling them not to insult the country’s most precious heritage, the 15th August 1947, the day it got freedom from 200 years of foreign rule. But not a word ever came from Mr Modi. Instead, he himself went on denigrating the prominent national leaders of that time who brought freedom to this country with tremendous sacrifice. He actually blamed them, particularly Jawaharlal Nehru, for many of the imagined ills which affected the country adversely. He repeatedly took credit for having done all those things which the previous regimes during the last 70 years could not do before he came to power, forgetting that during that period there was also a BJP government led by Atal Behari Vajpayee.
Falsifying history and uttering total untruths by twisting facts has always been a favourite strategy of Modi. That is how he has always ignored the tremendous progress achieved by the previous Congress Government’s since Independence, particularly by Nehru, who laid down a strong foundation for the industrial development of the country.
This self-declared Godman has now come out with a sensational prediction that his party, the BJP, have "already crossed the majority mark" and "is now moving towards the 400-plus" mark. He certainly cannot make such sensational predictions unless he has the divine powers! Five phases of polling of the long-drawn election process is over and the votes cast are already locked in the EVMs. You must certainly have some magical or divine powers to make such a prediction or you must have some hidden means to make the prediction true. We do not know right now which of these is possessed by him.
But the simple-minded citizens of this country would like to know a simple answer to doubt in their minds whether this constitutes a breach of the provisions of MCC of the Election Commission. Probably such mundane laws are not even applicable to people like Prime Minister Modi blessed with divine powers. Otherwise with so many hundreds of complaints against him pending with it, why the Election Commission could not initiate some action by now?