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Mainstream, VOL 61 No 21, May 20, 2023
Challenges before the newly elected government in Karnataka | Girija K S
Saturday 20 May 2023
#socialtagsby Girija K S *
The people of Karnataka have once again proved that the political parties cannot take them for a ride and fool them. Their support in bringing back the Congress party to power with a thumping majority has shown they no longer tolerate hate politics and would like to live in harmony. However, it’s for Congress to keep up the promises made by them in their manifesto and assure the people, they care for them. Implementing the agenda as mentioned in the manifesto requires a lot of thought and meticulous planning. The first major hurdle that they will have to overcome is the internal clashes however powerful a leader is and should in the first place give some confidence to the people who have elected them.
The second most important thing is that the agenda in the manifesto has to be implemented phase-wise, prioritise them, and keep up their promises.
Thirdly, the people of the state as in the previous government were affected by communal clashes. They had in the past witnessed unprecedented incidents that had made the lives of many miserable. This has to end as always it is the downtrodden who suffer.
Development is one of the issues, the government should focus on overall growth and reduce the disparities, as far as possible by reducing inflation, bringing down the cost of major products, and creating employment opportunities and education for all. The NEP which was introduced earlier has to be squashed as again this is widening the gap between rich and poor.
One of the main reasons for the debacle of BJP is that of 40% commission government. Rampant corruption followed by negligence on the part of people in power resulted in mismanagement and maladministration. Unless the present government focuses on this, impartial corruption free administration becomes a distant dream.
Above all, creating job opportunities and reducing the gender gaps at all levels, ensuring equal opportunities would have a greater impact on our society.
With these let’s hope and wait for the government to form and deliver justice.
* (Author: Girija K S, Assistant professor, Department of Political Science, University College of Arts, Tumkur University, Tumakuru)