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Mainstream, VOL 60 No 38 September 10, 2022

Roundtable: Amid Tributes to Queen Elizabeth, Deadly Legacy of British Colonialism Cannot Be Ignored

Friday 9 September 2022


Democracy Now - September 09, 2022: We host a roundtable on the life and legacy of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, who died Thursday at the age of 96. She was the country’s longest-reigning monarch, serving for 70 years and presiding over the end of the British Empire. Her death set off a period of national mourning in the U.K. and has thrown the future of the monarchy into doubt. “The monarchy really has come to represent deep and profound and grave inequality,†says Cambridge scholar Priya Gopal, author of “Insurgent Empire: Anticolonial Resistance and British Dissent.†We also speak with Harvard historian Maya Jasanoff, Novara Media editor Ash Sarkar and Pedro Welch, former chair of the Barbados Reparations Task Force, who says the British monarchy’s brutal record in the Caribbean and other parts of the world must be addressed. “The enslavement of our ancestors has led to a legacy of deprivation, a legacy that still has to be sorted out,†says Welch.

Audio: Amid Tributes to Queen Elizabeth, Deadly Legacy of British Colonialism | roundtable on Democracy Now - September 09, 2022
Amy Goodman speaks to Priya Gopal, Ash Sarkar, Maya Jasanoff, Pedro Welch
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