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Home > 2021 > Women of Afghanistan | Badri Raina

Women of Afghanistan | Badri Raina

Friday 27 August 2021, by Badri Raina


August 24, 2021

Listening to you,
How my male genius is rebuked
By your brilliance,
Women of Afghanistan;
And how ignorant and frightened
Those that call themselves Taliban.

Can it be God’s will that
Such imbeciles have rule
Over your lives?
Have they no regard for the
Excellence of the Prophet’s wives?

Finding no other route to dominance,
They use Islam of their distortion;
What life have they without
Women who bore them for son?
How hollow then is their boast
Of being privy to creation?

Do not, O wise and hardy
Ones, grant them again your slavery.
Rise as amazons of the mind,
And set yourselves free
From their jejune claims to lordship.
Get battle-ready, and shoot from the hip.

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