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Mainstream, VOL LIX No 26, New Delhi, June 12, 2021
AIFUCTO Press Release on Blended mode of teaching | June 6, 2021
Saturday 12 June 2021
#socialtagsAll India Federation of University and College Teacher’s organisation (AIFUCTO)
All India Federation of University and College Teacher’s organisation (AIFUCTO) is extremely critical and expresses its strong resentment to the draft notification of UGC on 20.05.2021 on the blended mode of teaching and learning. It is most unfortunate that when the entire country is struggling with an unprecedented situation created by the Corona Virus, the UGC has taken a retrograde step to bring about a paradigm shift in the learning and teaching process. This move is not only unacademic but also threatens the autonomy of the universities and the higher educational institutions. If the concept note is implemented the entire education system will be at the mercy of market forces making the role of teachers redundant. When the majority of the students in India are struggling even for proper internet connections, and a large number educational institutions and universities are without adequate funding, the document is prepared as if all the 40,000 colleges are in the standard of elite institutions. AIFUCTO strongly feels that these proposals are brought forward by the Government of India (GOI) which will ultimately dismantle the public funded education system. Constitutional mandate of equity, quality, access and inclusiveness of our system will be seriously distorted causing disadvantage to marginalised sections of the society. AIFUCTO, AIFRUCTO, DUTA, FEDUCTA, JFME and all other stakeholders have strong reservation and objections to the concept note as it is against the larger interest of the nation.
AIFUCTO strongly urges the UGC to withdraw the concept note and initiate democratic dialogue with all the stakeholders of higher education to reach at a consensus on the question of teaching, learning process in the larger interest of students , teachers , education system and the nation as a whole.
Prof Arun Kumar
General Secrertary, AIFUCTO