Home > 2021 > Scrap the "Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion (...)
Mainstream, VOL LIX No 4, New Delhi, January 9, 2021
Scrap the "Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance" Immediately - Full Text of Call by 133 Rights groups and 858 Citizens
Saturday 9 January 2021
#socialtagsPress Release
Since the UP Govt has passed The Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance 2020 on 27th November 2020, there have been strange incidents of young people walking together or simply knowing each other being picked up and charged by the police. This is what young people ask about this Ordinance - At the age of 18, we can vote for our councillors, MLAs, MPs. At 18, we decide who will make and implement policies that affect us, our loved ones, our community, our country. At 18, we are supposed to be mature enough to responsibly exercise our voting rights. However, whether at the age of 18 or at the age of 50, we are not allowed to decide our romantic partners or who to marry.
Young people feel trapped that first the family and community and now the State is curbing their freedom of choosing their partners. Supporting them are several organisations and individuals who would like to raise their voices against the UP Ordinance and MP Ordinance. This petition has been signed [see statement below] by 133 organisations, of which some are Akshara Women’s Resource Centre, Bebaak Collective, Feminists in Resistance, Forum against Oppression of Women, Madhya Pradesh Mahila Manch, Maitree-a network of women’s rights organisations and individuals in West Bengal, North East Student Network, People’s Union for Democratic Rights, Pinjra Tod, Saheli Women’s Resource Centre, Women against Sexual Violence and State Repression. It has been endorsed by 858 people from different states of India, belonging to varied professions from engineering, medical science, to journalists, teachers, lawyers, software professionals, textile designers, entrepreneurs, artists, writers, researchers, filmmakers have signed the statement and by academicians in Universities within India and abroad.
The demand is to scrap the Ordinance and all other Ordinances which are being considered in other states.
For further info:
Sujata: 9820930369
Nandita Gandhi: 9819109023
Ranjana: 9810201369
Hasina: 9870162113
Dear friends,
At the age of 18, we can vote for our councillors, MLAs, MPs. At 18, we decide who will make and implement policies that affect us, our loved ones, our community, our country. At 18, we are supposed to be mature enough to responsibly exercise our voting rights.
However, whether at the age of 18 or at the age of 50, we are not allowed to decide our romantic partners or who to marry. We are not allowed to have friendships and romantic relationships with people of `the other’ religion, caste, ethnicity, genders, sexualities.
If a Hindu woman chooses a Muslim man as her romantic partner, it is considered a crime in society and if they marry and the woman converts to Muslim religion, it is assumed that the Muslim man has forced her for conversion. In inter-faith and also in inter-caste marriages, it is taken for granted that the other person is bound to cheat you or dupe you and that the person you have chosen to be your partner has some wicked, ulterior motive to `make’ you fall in love.
In homo-erotic romantic relationships, often we hear how lesbian couples are being tortured by biological family, community and the police often acting on behalf of the family. Lesbian women, gay men, trans persons face severe repression at home for transgressing gender norms, aspiring for intimate and social lives beyond the compulsory Brahmanical hetero-normative family system. Many of us have similar painful and traumatic experiences.
`The Uttar Pradesh Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance 2020’ passed on 27th November 2020, seeks to sanction the violence committed by family-religion-communities on people who transgress boundaries of religion, caste, gender and sexuality in choosing romantic partners.
This Ordinance is simultaneously an attack on any person who wishes to change her religion. According to the Act, every conversion is illegal. The conversion requires the prior sanction from the District Magistrate. The Ordinance also says that `reconversion’ to a person’s previous religion is not illegal even if done forcibly. This is the gateway to what is termed `ghar wapasi’.
Over the last few years, the Hindu right-wing groups and right-wing led governments have accelerated their attempts at whipping up paranoia about inter-faith romantic relationships. They deliberately call it ‘love-jihad’, equating the Muslim lover with terrorism, while there have been no incidence or statistics that even the right-wing gangs or governments have been able to furnish.
On the other hand there are innumerable instances where the State and community have wrongfully assaulted adult couples when they engaged in inter-faith romances and marriages. Local panchayats have even put young couples to death for transgressing community norms. Most recently in the Shefin Jahan case, 2018, where finally the Supreme Court held that right to change faith is fundamental right of choice and also observed that consent of the family, community, clan is not necessary once the two adult individuals agree to enter a romantic partnership.
The UP ordinance is a direct threat to the right to privacy of an individual, a citizen. By making it mandatory to publicly inform the District Magistrate and being subject to the role of police enquiry and subsequent investigations, the BJP-led government in UP is depriving citizens of not only personal autonomy but also freedom of choice in case of intimate relationships and religion. By making inter-faith marriages and any religious conversion a public matter to be sanctioned by the State, the Government is directly entering personal lives of individuals and also controlling the social, cultural and political aspirations of people.
Conversions from one religion to another cannot be a matter of administrative and public scrutiny. It violates Articles 21 and 25 of the Indian Constitution that protects right to Life and Personal Liberty and freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion. By impeding on these fundamental rights the State is attacking self determination of people. This law is against the belief, spirit and political will of the Dalit and Ambedkarite communities, where religious conversion to Buddhism is a common practice. The mass conversion of Valmiki community to Buddhism in Ghaziabad, protesting the gang rape in Hathras stands in direct contradiction of the law.
Why is it that those in authority and with power hate love so fiercely? Why are they full of mistrust in matters of the heart? It is notions of Hindu supremacy that foster and promote politics of hatred. It takes for granted that a Muslim is a second class citizen in India, as is evident in the imposition of the Citizenship Amendment Act last year. We witnessed the repression unleashed on those who stood up to defy these draconian measures that are aimed to take away rights of citizenship from thousands and thousands of Indians. The UP Ordinance is yet another control mechanism to target the Muslim community, which is being unleashed everyday, ironically even when the two people getting married are both Muslims. Merely because there is this weapon available to terrorize a community.
Who are these forces that claim to patronize and protect women while pitting communities against each other? The BJP led Indian State through the Triple Talaaq Act, have been trying to infantilize the Muslim woman, now through the UP Ordinance it is infantilizing the Hindu woman. Instead of giving the power of going to the court only to the `aggrieved’ woman, the Ordinance in fact also allows her parents, siblings etc. to complaint against the man concerned, which is open to serious abuse, in cases of consensual relations between the man and the woman. Where is women’s fundamental right and autonomy to choose and decide her intimate, social and political life? This Ordinance propagates the idea that women are properties of communities and that particular religious-caste community can only control women’s sexuality, desires and aspirations. It takes away the fundamental right of autonomy as a human being to decide about one’s own life. It puts in danger the lives of young women and men. It is likely to be replicated in many other states, if not opposed by the youth and other sensible people.
This Ordinance and many other similar Acts in other states are threatening to erase the small and big achievements of the women’s movements and human rights movements. They are actually seeking to reverse whatever forward steps our society has been able to take in the last decades. The women’s movement, while welcoming the Special Marriage Act, that enables inter-faith marriages, has also critiqued its requirement of publicly displaying the names and photographs of the couple 30 days prior to the marriage. It is this requirement that has made interfaith young couples vulnerable when right-wing love-haters swoop down upon young couples.
We are witnessing increasing moral policing, humiliation and violence by right wing vigilante groups like the ABVP, RSS and Vishwa Hindu Parishad on young people in parks, streets, public places in the city and in villages, on Valentine ’s Day and other social events. The Kiss of Love protests, 2014 originated out of attack and public shaming of a young couple in a park at Kozhikodi, Kerala. The deployment of anti-Romeo Squads in 2018 were but a frantic move of the BJP- led Government to control autonomy, sexuality , mobility of anyone and particularly young people. The UP ordinance clearly gives license to communities, clans, families and most importantly self-appointed right wing groups to launch mob attacks on young people, restrict mobility of women, and intervene in their friendships and relationships.
As feminists who have been challenging Brahmanical, hetero-normative family structures, who have been fighting against communalism, caste-patriarchy for many decades now we strongly challenge the authoritarianism of the Indian State to pass an Ordinance which takes away fundamental human right and dignity. We defy such patriarchal dictatorship of the Hindu right-wing state that imagines that it can control Hindu, Muslim, other minority communities, oppressed castes, women, queer and trans* persons by the passing of such retrogressive laws. Let us resist the assault on our fundamental right to decide who we love and who we marry, whether to live in wedlock or outside. Let us be free to love. Let us not allow them to control our emotions, our passion, our desires, our sexuality. Every step we take today is a step towards a society of our own making where there is dignity for all.
Organisations supporting the Statement
Sl No |Organisations
1 Aaghaz
2 Adivasi Adhikar Manch
3 Ahalya, West Bengal
4 Akshara Women’s Resource Centre
5 All India Democratic Women’s Asso.
6 All India Kishan Mazdoor Sabha
7 All India Peoples Science Network
8 All India Progressive Women’s Asso.
10 Ambedkarite Queer Feminist
Resource Group
11 Anandi, Gujarat
13 Arman Foundation
14 Association of People for
Democratic Rights
15 Astitwa Samajik Sansthan
16 Awaz e Niswan
17 Bargi Bandh Visrhapit Evam
Parbhavit Sangh
18 Bebaak Collective
19 Bekhauf Azaadi, Chandigarh
20 Bohra Youth Association
21 Buniyaad
22 Chai Bagan Sangram Samiti
23 Chattisgarh mahila adhikar manch/
Mahila mukti morcha
24 Counsel for Social Development
25 Deeprekha Organisation
26 Delhi Solidarity Group
28 Eastern India Cinematographer’s
29 Eklavya Foundation
30 Ektara Collective
31 Feminism dot comm
32 Feminists in Resistance, Kolkata
33 Food Sovereignty Alliance
34 Forum against Oppression of Women
35 Forum for Justice and Peace
36 GASS (Odissa)
37 Ghar Bachao Ghar Banao Andolan
38 Gramyo Resource Centre for Women
39 Groundxero
40 How India Lives
41 Human rights and law defenders
42 Hyderabad for Feminism
43 Indian Christian Women’s Movement
44 Indian Federation of Trade Unions
45 Indian Association of Lawyers
46 Ishq Par Zor Nahi
47 Jalpaiguri Uttarayan
48 Jan Swasthya Abhiyan Chhattisgarh
49 JCor West india
50 Jharkhand Nagarik Prayas
51 Jhatkaa. Org
52 JSA Mumbai
53 Justice and Peace for All
54 Kabir Mandli
55 Kalrav
56 Kandeer Kolkata
57 Karnataka Janashakti
58 Kisan Sangharsh Samiti
59 Lepra Society
60 Locost
61 Lokanche Dost, Maharashtra
62 Madhya Pradesh Mahila Manch
63 Maharashtra Mahila Parishad
64 Mahila Kisan Adhikar Manch
65 Mahila Yuva Adhikar Manch
66 Maitree – a network of women’s rights
organizations and individuals in
West Bengal
67 Majlis
68 Manab Adhikar Sangram Samiti, Guwahati
69 Mimansha
71 Muktivadi Ekta Morcha
72 Muktiyaan Loksanskrutik Sangathana
73 Mulnivasi Student and Youth Front, Odissa
74 Muskaan Sansthya
75 Muslim Satyoshodhak Mandal
76 National Alliance of People’s Movements
77 NAPM Yuva Samvad
78 Nari Chetana, West Bengal
79 Narmada Bachao Andolan
80 National Confederation of
Human Rights Organisations
81 National Federation for Indian Women
83 North East Student Federation
84 Parcham Collective
85 Parwaa
86 PAX Society
87 People’s Film Collective
88 People’s Movement against UAPA
89 Peoples Union of Democratic Rights
90 People’s Union of Civil Liberties
91 Philanthropic Initiatives
92 Pinjra Tod
93 Platform for Social Justice
94 Prabodhan Yuva Sangh, Mumbai
96 Presentation Sisters
97 Progressive India Collective
98 Punjab Women Collective
99 Right to Food Campaign
100 Rihai Manch
101 Rubi Social Welfare Society
102 Rural Welfare Society
103 Sachetana
104 Saheli Women’s Resource Centre
105 Saajhi Duniya
106 Sambhaavna
107 Samajwadi Jan Parishad
108 Sanatkada
109 Shahari Mazdoor Sangathan
110 Shaheen Womens Resource and
Welfare Association
111 S. J. V. Foundation
112 Shramajibi Mahila Samiti
113 Shramik Mukti Dal
114 Socialist Party
115 South India AIDS Action Program
116 Sromojibi Nari Mancha
117 Stree Mukti Sangathana
118 Swaraj India
119 Telangana Hijra Intersex Transgender
120 Third World People’s Alliance
121 TISS Queer Collective
122 TUCI
123 United Women’s Solidarity Network
124 Vanangana
125 Vidrohi Mahila Manch
126 Vimala Vikas Kendra
127 Where are the Women
128 Women against Sexual Violence and
State Repression
129 Youth Group Bhopal
130 Youth Ki Awaz
131 Yukrand
132 Zalkari Foundation
133 Zubaan
Individual Signatories
Sl No. Names
1 A J Jawad
2 A. B. Remedios
3 A. Ghose
4 Aakshi Sinha
5 Aaloka Kanhere
6 Aalokakan
7 Aanchal Sodhani
8 Aarti
9 Aarti Sethi
10 Aasiya Jaffar
11 Abdul Azeez M
12 Abdul rahim
13 Abha Bhaiya
14 Abhishek Bhattacharya
15 Abhishek Shah
16 Abinash
17 Adiba Saher
18 Aditi
19 Aditi Deshpande
20 Aditi Mehta
21 Adv Charles DSa
22 Advaita Marathe
23 Afreen Khan
24 Afzal Ansari
25 Ahana Maitra
26 Aishwarya
27 Ajit Kumar Meher
28 Akanksha Sharma
29 Akanksha Tyagi
30 Akram Husain
31 Akshay Gouri
32 Alena
33 Alex
34 Alka Hingorani
35 Aloka kujur
36 Alpha Toppo
37 Altaf Ahmed
38 Ambika
39 Amit Bhaduri
40 Amit Lahiri
41 Amita
42 Amita De
43 Amita Pitre
44 Amitabh Srivastava
45 Amitabha Basu
46 Ammu Abraham
47 Amod
48 Amreen Begum
49 Amrita
50 Amrita Chakraborti
51 Amrita Chhachhi
52 Amrita De
53 Amrita H
54 Anamul Haque
55 Anand Jaiswal
56 Anandini Dar
57 Ananya Chakraborti
58 Ananya Sharma
59 Anchita Ghatak
60 Ancy Alex
61 Anghrija Chakraborty
62 Ania Loomba
63 Anil Varghese
64 Animesh Das
65 Anindarupa
66 Anindita Bakshi
67 Anindya Sinha
68 Aniruddha Ghosh
69 Anita gari
70 Anita Pal
71 Anita Uikey
72 Anjali Monteiro
73 Anjali Noronha
74 Anjana Mangalagiri
75 Anjum Parekh
76 Anjum parveen
77 Ankana Das
78 Ankit Das
79 Ankit Jha
80 Ankita C
81 Ankul baeonia
82 Ankur Pandey
83 Annu
84 Anoushka Kurien
85 Ansari Najmussaher
86 Ansari Quresha
87 Ansari Raziya
88 Anshu
89 Anshumali Ashish
90 Anshuman Singh
91 Antonio Rodrigues
92 Anu Salelkar
93 Anubha Rastogi
94 Anuj
95 Anupama Potluri
96 Anupriya
97 Anuradha
98 Anuradha Banerji
99 Anuradha Boonlis
100 Anuradha Kapoor
101 Anurag Kashyap
102 Anusha Khan
103 Anushka
104 Anushree Jairath
105 Aparna Sen
106 Apeksha
107 Apphia Ruth D’souza
108 Apurba Roy
109 Aqseer Sodhi
110 Aquila Khan
111 Aravinda P
112 Archana
113 Archana Ghangrekar
114 Archna Purviya
115 Ardhendu Sen
116 Arijit Hazra
117 Arjun Sengupta
118 Armin
119 Arnab Sengupta
120 Arpita Bohra
121 Arpita Jaya
122 Arun Agnihotri
123 Aruna Castelino
124 Aruna Gnanadason
125 Aruna Roy
126 Arundhati Dhuru
127 Arundhati Sen
128 Arvind narrain
129 Asfia
130 Asha Achuthan
131 Asha Mishra
132 Asha Sharma
133 Ashfaque E.J
134 Ashley
135 Ashley L Cohen
136 Asif Iqbal
137 Asma
138 Asmi
139 Atrey Bhargava
140 Avadh Bihari
141 Avijit solanki
142 Avinash Singh
143 Avni
144 Ayon Chakraborty
145 Aysha
146 Babita
147 Baljeet
148 BANKU Bihari Lahiri
149 Basudev Mookerjea
150 BBG Tilak
151 Benedicta Mary
152 Bhabesh Chanrabarti
153 Bhala Chandra Shadangi
154 Bhalachandra Shadangi
155 Bharti
156 Bhaswati
157 Bhavya
158 Bijan Ray
159 Bijaya Biswal
160 Bina Fernandez
161 Bindhulakshmi Pattadath
162 Bipin Kumar
163 Biswajit K Bora
164 Biswapriys kanungo
165 Bittu K
166 Bizeth Banerjee
167 Bobby Ramakant
168 Bolan Gangopadhyay
169 Brajesh
170 Brenda Menezes
171 Brinelle D’souza
172 Bryce D’Silva
173 Bushara
175 Cecilia Soares
176 Chandana Mitra
177 Chandrama Basu
178 ChandramouliMajumder
179 Charles Sequeira
180 Charu Gargi
181 Chattisgarh mahila adhikar manch
182 Chayanika Shah
183 Chennaiah P
184 Chhaya Datar
185 Chinu Srinivasan
186 Chitransh Daswani
187 Chitrorath Guha
188 Chittaroopa Palit
189 Christina
190 Christina Mary
191 Christy Nag
192 Chun kapur
193 Cleo Braganza
194 Clotilde Meunier
196 D P Mehrotra
197 Damini Mishra
198 Daniel
199 Deba Ranjan
201 Debarati
202 Debarati Goswami
203 Debarghya Bandyopadhyay
204 Debasish Nandy
205 Debasish sarkar
206 Debdoot Dey
207 Debjani Bhattacharyya
208 Debosree Bagchi
209 Deepika Joshi
210 Deepika Sondhi
211 Deepika Tandon
212 Denzil Fernandes
213 Dev Desai
214 Devi Yesodharan
215 Devika
216 Devyani Umale
217 Dewal
218 Dhiman
219 Dhruvin
220 Diamond Oberoi
221 Diana Charles
222 Dimple Oberoi Vahali
223 Dipali Bhattacharya
224 Dipshikha Vaishnav
225 Dipta Bhog
226 Dipti Kharude
227 Ditilekha
228 Divya
229 Divya Dhurve
230 Dolly
231 Dolon Ganguly
232 Dr Ajita
233 Dr Anirban Basu
234 Dr Anirban Basu
235 Dr Gertrude Dsouza
236 Dr P A Azeez
237 Dr Ravi Shukla
238 Dr Sandeep Pandey
239 Dr Shakeel
240 Dr Sunilam
241 Dr V Rukmini Rao
242 Dr Yasmeen Lukmani
243 Dr. Amar Jesani
244 Dr. Shamsuddin Tamboli
245 Dyuti A
246 Elizabeth Cobbs
247 Ernesto Noronha
248 Faris
249 Farzana shaikh
250 Flavia Agnes
251 Flaviaagnes@gm
252 Fowzia Fathima
253 Gabriele Dietrich
254 Gabbu Dhurve
255 Gangadharan Menon
256 Gargi Banerjee
257 Gausiya Mirza
258 Geeta dhurve
259 Geeta K
260 Geeta oza
261 Geeta Seshu
262 Geeta Thatra
263 Geetha Hariharan
264 Gitanjali
265 Gitanjali Joshua
266 Gladys M Dsouza
267 Gopal MS
268 Govind Desai
269 Gudavarthy Vijay
270 Gulab pasha
271 Gulabchand shailoo
272 Gurinder Singh
273 Hamza Shaikh
274 Haneefa Bee
275 Harsh Kapoor
276 Harsha Adarkar
277 Harsha Tiwary
278 Hassath
279 Heman
280 Himani Upadhyaya
281 Hina khan
282 Honey Bhatt
283 Honey oberoi
284 Hozefa Ujjaini
285 Ibrar
286 Indira C
287 Indranil Chattopadhya
288 Iqra Khan
289 Ira Sen
290 Irene Daniel
291 Irtiqua Ali
292 Isaac
293 Isha Badkas
294 Ishani K B
295 Ishu Jaiswal
296 Jag Narayan Mahto
297 Jagdish Patel
298 Jahangir Hossain
299 Jameela Nishat
300 James Regina c. dabhi
301 Jashodhara Dasgupta
302 Jashwant Singh Chaudhary
303 Jasveen Jairath
304 Jay Deshmukh
305 Jaya Dubey nee Dixit
306 Jaya Menon
307 Jaya Sagade
308 Jayasree Subramanian
309 Jayesh
310 Jayesh Chimantwar Nikhat
311 Jean Saldanha
312 Jeroo Mulla
313 Jhelum
314 Jhum Jhum Sarkar
315 Jinat Rehena Islam
316 Jishnu Dasgupta
317 Joby Joseph
318 Jogin Sengupta
319 Joseph Salve
320 Joyanti Sen
321 Jyoti Mhapsekar
322 K.Anita
323 K.Devaki
324 K.Pooja
325 Kabir
326 Kahani
327 Kahkashan
328 Kajahussain
329 Kajri Babbat
330 Kakali Bhattacherjee
331 Kalpana A
332 Kalpana Kannabiran
334 Kamal
335 Kamaxi Bhate
336 Kamayani Bali Mahabal
337 Kaneez Fathima
338 Kaniska
339 Kareena
340 Karen Gabriel
341 Kartikey Atri
342 Kartikeya Bhatotia
343 Karuna
344 Kausar ansari
345 Kaushik Bhattacharya
346 Kavita Bajeli-Datt
347 Kavita Durve
348 Kavita Krishnan
349 Kavita Srivastava
350 Kavita Suresh
351 Kavita Tanejajhalla
352 Kbandyo@gmail.com
353 Ketan Jain
354 Khairunisha
355 Khawla Zainab
356 Khushboo Jain
357 Khushi
358 Kiran
359 Koel Chatterji
360 koustav de
361 KoyelM
362 Kranti Jejurkar
363 Kripa
364 krishanu banerjer
365 Krishna Shree
366 Kusum Tripathi
367 Lalita Ramdas
368 Lara Jesani
369 Lata
370 Laxmi Murthy
371 Likla Lall
372 Lingam Nageswara rao
373 Lisa Pires
374 Lokesh
375 Lokesh Malti Prakash
376 M P Terence Samuel
377 Madhavi Kuckreja
378 Madhu dhurve
379 Madhuchhanda Karlekar
380 Madhumita Das
381 Madhumita Dutta
382 Mahesh
383 Mahua Bhattacharya
384 Maimoona Mollah
385 Maitrayee P
386 Malavika Rajkotia
387 Malay Mukherjee
388 Malobika
389 Malvika Gupta
390 Mamta Singh
391 Manish Deshpan
392 Manisha Gupte
393 Manisha Tulpule
394 Manju
395 Manna Chaudhuri
396 Manthan Gurung
397 Manu
398 Marcia DCunha
399 Mary John
400 Mary Mendes
401 Mausumi Manna
402 Maya
403 Md Aamir Khan
404 Md Maksud Lam
405 Meena G
406 Meena Gopal
407 Meena Saraswathi Seshu
408 Meenakshy Minood
409 Meera Sanghamitra
410 Meera Ugra
411 Megha Ginnare
412 Megha Pansare
413 Megha Sheth
414 Meghana Singh
415 Mehul singh
416 Melvin Chagas Silva
417 Merlyn Dsa
418 Michael Noronha
419 Milind Bhawar
420 Mitaja Chakraborty
421 Mitali Srivastava
422 Mithun
423 Mithun Pramanik
424 Mohamed Haneef
425 Mohammad Nawazuddin
426 Mohammed Faisal
427 Mohd. Jamil Akhtar Shaikh
428 Molshri Singh
429 Monabaghmare
430 Mou Nandi
431 Moushumi Basu
432 Mousumi Bilkis
433 Moutuli Nag Sarkar
434 Mrittika Biswas
435 Mubasshira Qureshi
436 Mukta Srivastava
437 Muniza Khan
438 Muniza Khan
439 Mustaqeem Khan
440 N Sridevi
441 Nabarun
442 Nabil Patel
443 Nachiket Shankar
444 Nagmani Rao
445 Nalini Nayak
446 Namrata
447 Namrota Purakayastha
448 Nandini Nayak
449 Nandini Rao
450 Nandita Narain
451 Nandita Sinha
452 Naren Hoovinakatte
453 Naseem Qadeer
454 Nasim
455 Nasir Tyabji
456 Nasreen Fazalbhoy
457 Nasreen syed
458 Natasha Badhwar
459 Naushad
460 Navin dev himdhar
461 Navnath Ananda Bolke
462 Neela Limaye
463 Neela Limaye
464 Neelam Borkar
465 Neeta Kolhatkar
466 Neeta Ratwani
467 Neha
468 Neves Sinari
469 Nidhi Pal
470 Nidhi Trivedi
471 Nidhin Joseph
472 Niharika
473 Nikhat fatima
474 Nikhat Sayyed
475 Nikita Sud
476 Nilima Dutta
477 Niloufer Bhagwat
478 Nimisha agarwal
479 Nisha Biswas
480 Nishi
481 Nitika
482 Nitya Vasudevan
483 Nivedita
484 Noorsaba Khan
485 Om Prakash Singh
486 Padma D
487 Padmaja Shae
488 Padmini Smetacek
489 Padmini Smetacek
490 Padmini Smetacek
491 Pallav
492 Pamela Philipose
493 Pamela Philipose
494 Panchali Kar
495 Parigya Sharma
496 Partha Chakrabartty
497 Partha Chatterjee
498 Partha Sarathi Moulik
499 Parveez Asghar
500 Pasko Lobo
501 Payal Mangla
502 People’s Union for Democratic Rights
503 Persis Ginwalla
504 Peter Birke
505 Peter Sequeira
506 Peter Sequeira
507 Pia S Ahmad
508 Piku
509 Piku
510 Piku
511 Pk Satish
512 Pooja Priyamvada
513 Pooja singh
514 Poonam Batra
515 Poorva Rajaram
516 Poushali Basak
517 Prabir Ray
518 Prachi Khandeparkar
519 Prafulla
520 Pragati Kulkarni
521 Pragya Basak
522 Prajit K. Basu
523 Prakash
524 Prakriti
525 Pramod Gupta
526 Pranay
527 Prasanna Marathe
528 Prasanta Kumar Ganguly
529 Prasenjit Sarkhel
530 Pratiksha Manvatkar
531 Pratikshya Priyadarshini
532 Preeti
533 Prem Prakash Verma
534 Premilla DCruz
535 Prerna Mishra
536 Pritha
537 Priti Dubey
538 Priya kaithwas
539 Priyadarshini Chitrangada
540 Priyanka
541 Priyanka
542 Priyanka Deore
543 Priyanka Gaikwad
544 Priyanka Ishwari
545 Prof Roop Rekha Verma
546 Prof.Mohan Rao
547 Puneet Padwar
548 Punya Bakshi
549 Pushpa
550 Putul
551 Putul Sathe
552 Pyoli
553 Qudsiya Contractor
554 Rachana Mudraboyina
555 radha holla
556 Radha Khan
557 Ragini Lalit
558 Rahee S G
559 Rahim Contractor
560 Rahul
561 Rahul Jayaram
562 Rahul Jayaram
564 Rajaraman
565 Rajashri Dasgupta
566 Rajeev R Singh
567 Rajeev Yadav
568 Rajeev Yadav
569 Rajeev Yadav
570 Rajesh Ramakrishnan
571 Rajkumar
572 Rajni
573 Rajni Nair
574 Raju Bagmai
575 Ram
576 Ram Puniyani
577 Rana Roy
578 Rani
579 Ranjana Kanhere
580 Ranjana Padhi
581 Ranjana Singh
582 Ranjit Sur
583 Ranjita Biswas
584 Rashme Sehgal
585 Rati Sawhney
586 Rati Sawhney
587 RatiRaoE.
588 Ravi Duggal
589 Ravi rathore
590 Ravi Verma
591 Reena Mohan
592 Rehana Adeeb
593 Rema Kandaramath
594 Renuka Saroha
595 Reshma
596 Richa Rastogi
597 Rinchin
598 Rishika Jain
599 Rita Pinto
600 Ritajyoti Bandyopadhyay
601 Ritu dangi
602 Ritu dangi
603 Ritwik
604 Ritwik Sharma
605 Riya Parikh
606 Rohan
607 Rohan Dominic Mathews
608 Rohini Hensman
609 Rohit Kumar
610 Rosey
611 Roshni Chattopadhyay
612 Rubeena
613 Rubina Patel
614 Rudrashis
615 Runu Chakraborty
616 Rwitika
617 S Dutta
618 S. Durga Bhavani
619 S.Archana
620 Saba
621 Saba nalband
622 Sabah Khan
623 Sabina Sarkar
624 sabira
625 Sachin Bhagat
626 Sachin Shrivastava
627 Sadaf Jafar
628 Sadhna Arya
629 Sadique Qureshi
630 Sadiya Shaikh
631 Sagari R Ramdas
632 Sagnik Yadaw
633 Sahanara khatun
634 Sajha Kadam
635 Sajjad
636 Sakshi
637 Salim
638 Sam
639 Sam venkat khan
640 Sameer D Shaikh
641 Samina Sheikh
642 Samir Dubey
643 Samita Purviya
644 Sampurna
645 Samyuktha
646 Sana Huque
647 Sancharini
648 Sanchita Ali
649 Sanchita Mukherjee
650 Sandesh Gaikwad
651 Sandhya gokhale
652 Sandhya panaskar
653 Sandhya Phafke
654 Sanjay sejkar
655 Sanjay Singhvi
656 Sanjib Kumar Mukhopadhyay
657 Sankar Das
658 Sannuthi Suresh
659 Sanober Keshwaar
660 Santana Pereira
661 Santanu Chacraverti
662 Sapna
663 Sarbajit Sen
664 Sarika Shrivastava
665 Sarmishtha Biswas
666 Saroj Rani
667 Saswati Ghosh
668 Satabdi Das
669 Satyaki Banerjee
670 Saumya
671 Saumya Agarwal
672 Savitri Medhatul
673 Seema
674 Seema Marmath
675 Seena Kappiri
676 Seethlakshmi
677 Shabana Hoque
678 Shabana Khan
679 Shabana sayed
680 Shabbir
681 Shabina Bee
682 Shabina Mumtaz
683 Shabnam Hashmi
684 Shadab Jahan
685 Shahana Bhattacharya
686 Shaheda Begum
687 Shaheena Sheikh
688 Shahina Sheikh
689 Shailesh Kintsugi
690 Shailesh Nagar
691 Shailza
692 Shalini
693 Shalini Gera
694 Shals Mahajan
695 Shama Angelina
696 Shama Angelina Chatterjee
697 Sharanya
698 sharda ugra
699 sharmila
700 sharmila purkayastha
701 Sharmistha Choudhury
702 Sharvari Deshpande
703 Shashikala
704 Shayoni Mehta
705 Sheba Chhachhi
706 Shefali
707 Shehla Rashid
708 Shikha Patnaik
709 Shilpa Krishnan
710 Shilpa Phadke
711 Shilpi
712 Shiraz bulsara prabhu
713 Shireen Azam
714 Shireen Elavia
715 Shiva S
716 Shiva Shankar
717 Shivani
718 Shivani Taneja
719 Shobha Shukla
720 Shraddha
721 Shraddha Ghumre
722 Shreekumar
723 Shruti Ganapatye
724 Shubhamoy
725 Shubhangi
726 Shubhangi Singh
727 Shuchita
728 Shweta Damle
729 Siddharth K J
730 Simon Alvarez Belon
731 simon lobo
732 Simran
733 Sister Leena
734 Sitamsini
735 Smalshe
736 Smita Roy
737 Smriti Nevatia
738 Smrutirekha Sahu
739 SnehaJanaki
740 Snehal Shah
741 Sohini Banerjee
742 Solidarity Centre
743 Soma Marik
744 Sonia Rashid
745 Sonya F Paul
746 Soumik Nandy Majumdar
747 Soumilee Dasgupta
748 Soumyajyoti Mukherjee
749 Sourashmi
750 Sowmya Dechamma C C
751 Sr. Saroj Kumari
752 Srabasti Majumdar
753 Srinivasan Neralla
754 Srishti Lakhotia
755 Sruti
756 Stella Baltazar
757 Subhrajit Chowdhury
758 Sudha
759 Sudha N
760 Sudhakars Chavan
761 Sudipta Chakraborty
762 Sugoutam Ghosh
763 Suhail Kazi
764 Suhas Kolhekar
765 Sujata Gothoskar
766 Sujata Madhok
767 Sujata Patel
768 Sujata Raghavan
769 Sujata Sahani
770 Sujato Bhadra
771 Sukruthi
772 Sultana Begum
773 Sumer Sharma
774 Sumit
775 Sunesh Janve
776 Supriya
777 Supriya Jan
778 Surabhi
779 Surabhi Agarwal
780 Surya
781 Suryakant
782 Sushant pandey
783 Sushma Varma
784 Sushmita Jha
785 Sutapa Neogi
786 Suvir Kaul
787 SW Chaudhary
788 Swapan Chakravorty
789 Swapna
790 Swapnil Kadam
791 Swapnila Kavishwar
792 Swatija Manorama
793 Sweta banerjee
794 Swetha g
795 Taffazel Hossain
796 Taher Bohari
797 Tanya singh
798 Tapas Das
799 Tapas Ray
800 Tara Rai
801 Tasleem Begum
802 Teena Gill
803 Tejaswinee Hazarika
804 Tejaswini
805 Tinku Khanna
806 Tirthankar Mukherjee
807 Titash
808 TK Sundari Ravindran
809 Trishna
810 Tapas Chakrsborty
811 Tuba Khan
812 Tultul Biswas
813 Ujjwala Mhatre
814 Uma V Chandru
815 Umera
816 Usman
817 Utsarjana Mutsuddu
818 Uttam
819 Uttam pandy
820 Vahida Nainar
821 Vaishali Bhoyar
822 Vaishnavi Mahurkar
823 Vamshika
824 Vandana Kool
825 Vandana Mahajan
826 Vandana marvada
827 Vandana Palsane
828 Vandana Prasad
829 Vani
830 Varsha Bhargavi
831 VBS Shekharan
832 Veena
833 Vegh Daswani
834 Vibhuti Gour
835 Vibhuti Patel
836 Vidhya
837 Vihaan
838 Vijaya
839 Vikram Buragohain
840 Virginia Saldanha
841 Vivek Sundara
842 Vrijendra
843 Waseem
844 Xonzoi Barbora
846 Yash Agrawal
847 Yasmeen Qureshi
848 Yawar
849 Yunus
850 Yuvraj Khare
851 Zameer
852 Zehra Jabeen
853 Zenab banu
854 अफ़लातून
855 अरॠशी क़ॠरैशी
856 मदन लाल हिनॠद
857 কসৠতৠরী (Kasturi)
858 ਪਿ੠ਤਪਾਲ ਸਿੱਖ