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Mainstream, VOL LVIII No 48, New Delhi, November 14, 2020
Evening Thoughts | L K Sharma
Friday 13 November 2020
by L K Sharma
They said this was HIS wayof saving HIS Planet!By killing HIS people?It looked promising inthe bright morning.The window encasedclear green and sky blue.The scene uncloudedby human smoke.Bird songs, clear anddistinct, unmixedby human noise.Roads unsullied bydirty human feet.Stillness, undisturbedby human movement.Dance of Death stopped.The world rid of itsdomineering speciesand its ceaseless chatterand endless clutter.Not a soul, ugly orbeautiful, in sight.No humans, drunkor steady, walkupon the earth.No door is open.No noise is heard.The koel singsfrom a tree top.Little birds conducttheir orchestra.A peacock familymajestically crossesa lonely road. A deerhas left its habitat andtaken to the road.The evening falls.There is no light.No longer bright.Turned dismal,depressing andmenacingly quiet.For a little while,we do enjoy silence.Tuned to noise, wecannot bear silencefor too long.For a change, we lovea remote hilly spotthat enables us toescape the noisy city.But soon we craveto run away fromthere and return tothe familiar Hell.Distance unbearable.Isolation becomesa term in jail.Never satisfied,never fulfilled.Ever fearful.The same this evening.Where have all humansgone? Will they returnor have gone forever?Birds, birds, birds!Will they take overthe world? Likethe bees in theHitchcock film.What do I do?To wait or notto wait. To comealive in thefamiliar Hell.The evening should go.Let the sankranti kal,in-betweenness end.Let the night come.Let darkness envelopeme, envelope all.We are nothing inthe light. We shallbe nothing indarkness. Stillnessis too much with me.Let dogs come out toroam and howl onthe road.Shatter the unnervingsilence, end myunending isolation.I should have dinner,wash my hands twice,make a call, reach outfor the record playerto play the Ode to Joy.That will get me ready tomeet my dreamy self andto lie awake in the night.